Wednesday, June 10, 2009


How you can motivate your people

You cannot motivate anyone. You can not make a seed grow, but you can provide the right condition for it to develop into its full potential. You can create environment to make your colleagues motivated

Since people are complicated, there is no one way of motivating them. So how we can to motivate them? It all depends on : (1) Wayan or Made, (2) Their personality, (3) their needs, (4) the type of work they do, (5) their situation, (6) the urgency and many, many others factor
Consequently, there is no one simple theory that will assist you, no one size fits all.
If what you do does not work, do something different. Motivate people like a detective who wants to get into a suspect’s house: you use a lot of different picks to create the right key for the lock. Every one has a motivation lock. So you have to choose the right key.

Please use one minutes a day to see your subordinates and think what key you will use it.

Do you Know A lot of non financial recognition can motivate people, try one or more of these : (1) Smile, (2) Thank you, (3) Interesting Project, (4) A course / Program, (5) A meal out, (6) A Card, (7) A letter, (8) A book, (9) Positive Feedback on performance, (10) Invitation to coffee, (11) Jobs with more responsibilities, (12) Offer to make presentation in a meeting, (13) Social work, (14) Offer to attend conference or seminar

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