Saturday, October 9, 2010

Managing Change

Step by Step Managing Change Process

Step-1. Identify/Accept the Need for Change:

  • List the issues, indicators or symptoms
  • Ask stakeholders to confirm the issues, indicators or symptoms
  • Decide whether change is necessary
  • Set up change team(s)/support mechanisms (implementation, transition, communication etc.)
  • Clarify Roles (Sponsor, Implementer, Agent, Advocate)

Step-2. Assess and Define the Change Required:

  • Identify the preferred future state
  • Assess the current state
  • Identify the gap or difference
  • Clearly define what must be changed
  • Establish measures of success

Step-3. Analyze the Impact of Alternatives and Select the Best:

  • List reasonable alternatives (including making no change)
  • Assess the cost/benefits, pros/cons, outcomes/risks and potential side effects
  • Choose the best alternative
  • Identify restraining and supporting forces (i.e. people, events, rules and policies

Step-4. Develop the Plan and Strategies:

  • Explain the change and rationale
  • Describe the current situation vs. the desired future
  • Explain the options considered and decision
  • Describe objectives, action plans, and measures of succes
  • Develop strategies
  1. Operational (Physical/Plant Legal, Financial, and Service Issues
  2. Training and Learning
  3. Human Resource (HR/LR, Staff Transfer, Selection)
  4. Communication
  5. Transition
  6. Team Development and Budget Implications

If you need the next step explanation and the detail implementation, please contact us.

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